Ten Percent Financial - Accountant Recruitment

Sage Nominal Ledger Codes – Line 50, Instant Accounting, Sage One, Sage Live

Sage – one of the most frustrating accounting packages to use if you are not an accountant and one of the easiest to use if you are! Below is a list of the Sage Nominal Ledger codes.

0010           Freehold property                                 5201        Closing stock

0011           Leasehold property                                6000        Productive Labour

0020           Plant & Machinery                                6001        Cost of sales labour

0021           Plant & m/cy depreciation                   6002        Sub-contractors

0030           Office equipment                                   6100        Sales commissions

0031           Office equipt depreciation                   6200        Sales promotion

0040           Furniture & fixtures                              6201        Advertising

0041           Furniture & fxts depreciation              6202        Gifts & samples

0050           Motor Vehicles                                      6203        PR (literature 7 brochures)

0051           Motor vehicles depreciation               6900        Miscellaneous expenses

1001           Stock                                                        7000        Gross wages

1002           Work in progress                                  7001        Directors’ salaries

1003           Finished goods                                     7002        Directors’ remuneration

1100           Debtors Control account                    7003        Staff salaries

1101           Sundry debtors                                     7004        Wages – regular

1102           Other debtors                                       7005        Wages – casual

1103           Prepayments                                        7006        Employers’ NI

1200           Bank current account                        7007        Employers’ pensions

1210           Bank deposit account                         7008        Recruitment expenses

1220           Building society account                   7009        Adjustments

1230           Petty cash                                            7010        SSP reclaimed

1235           Cash receipts                                       7011        SMP reclaimed

1240           Company credit card                         7100        Rent

1250           Credit card receipts                           7102        Water rates

2100           Creditors control account                  7103        General rates

2101           Sundry creditors                                   7104        Premises insurance

2102           Other creditors                                     7200        Electricity

2109           Accruals                                                   7201        Gas

2200           Sales Tax control account (VAT)         7202        Oil

2201           Purchase Tax control account (VAT)     7203        Other heating costs

2202           VAT liability                                          7300        Fuel & oil (MOTOR)

2210           PAYE                                                        7301        Repairs & servicing (MOTOR)

2211           National Insurance                              7302        Licenses

2220           Net wages                                            7303        Vehicle insurance

2230           Pension fund                                        7304        Miscellaneous motor

2300           Loans                                                  7350        Scale charges

2310           Hire purchase                                       7400        Travelling

2320           Corporation tax                                    7401        Car hire

2330           Mortgages                                           7402        Hotels

3010           Preference shares                                 7403        UK Entertainment

3100           Reserves                                             7404        Overseas Entertainment

3101           Undistributed reserves                           7405        Overseas travelling

3200           Profit & Loss Account                             7406        Subsistence

4000           Sales type A                                         7500        Printing

4001           Sales type B                                         7501        Postage & carriage

4002           Sales type C                                         7502        Telephone

4009           Discounts allowed                                 7503        Telex/telegram/fax

4100           Sales type D                                        7504        Office stationery

4101           Sales type E                                         7505        Books etc

4200           Sale of Assets                                       7600        Legal fees

4400           Credit charges (late payments)                7601        Audit & accountancy fees

4900           Miscellaneous income                            7602        Consultancy fees

4901           Royalties received                                 7603        Professional fees

4902           Commissions received                            7700        Equipment hire

4903           Insurance claims                                   7701        Office m/c maintenance

4904           Rent income                                         7800        Repairs & renewals

4905           Distribution & carriage                           7801        Cleaning

5000           Materials purchased                               7802        Laundry

5001           Materials imported                                7803        Premises expenses

5002           Miscellaneous purchases                         7900        Bank interest paid

5003           Packaging                                            7901        Bank charges

5009           Discounts taken                                    7902        Currency charges

5100           Carriage                                              7903        Loan interest paid

5101           Import duty                                         7904        HP interest

5102           Transport insurance                               7905        Credit charges

5200           Opening stock                                      7906        Exchange rate variance

8000           Depreciation

8001           Plant & m/cy depreciation

8002           Furniture/fittings depreciation

8003           Vehicle depreciation

8004           Office equipment depreciation

8100           Bad debt write off

8102           Bad debt provision

8200           Donations

8201           Subscriptions

8202           Clothing costs

8203           Training costs

8204           Insurance

8205           Refreshments

9998           Suspense account

9999           Mispostings account